Sunday, February 25, 2007

wish someone, somewhere happy birthday!

Becky picks up mobile, surprised to see a friendly acquantance calling her out of nowhere.

Becky: Sara*! what's up?
Sara: nothing much, just wanted to help you celebrate the day of your birth!
Becky: uhhhh, what?
Sara: yeah. happy birthday!
Becky: are you joking?
Sara: no, it's your birthday.
Becky: uhhh, i don't know who's been teasing you, but it's not.
Sara: yes it is.
Becky: Sara, who did you hear that it was my birthday from?
Sara: no one.
Becky: then how'd you know it was my birthday?
Sara: i didn't need to ask anyone.
Becky: Sara, my birthday is in September.
Sara: no, it's today, Feb. 24.
Becky: is that what today is? i thought it was the 23rd....huh. look, Sara, this is Becky ######.
Sara: Becky ######?
Becky: yeah. does it happen to be another Becky's birthday?
Sara: [awkward silence] oh, wow.....yes, yes, it sound just like her! and she would totally deny that is was her birthday too!

*the name is changed to protect the laughing and embarrassed. she absolutely made my day. :D

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