i am stressed beyond all reason, though i'm on two day "holiday" from school. two day holiday really just means the best opportunity to get the overwhelming tower of "stuff" completed and off my back.....
homework, special projects, taxes, helping construct the set for the play production, hopefully see some friends sometime, wishing for just relaxing time....obviously it also means, i'm completely overwhelmed.
i should be superwoman and be getting everything done, so i don't have to worry about it. right now however i'm listening to music from "The Little Mermaid,"and wishing for my little tropical island.
Hang in there, Becky!! Just breathe ... if it gets too much, breath into a paper bag or put it over someone's else's head if they start to demand too much of you - just pray they have a smallish head!!! :D Love ya, girl! :D
lol! thanks, chica! i think i'll do that..... :D
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