Friday, December 21, 2007

Glimpses of Paris

The Highlights (love how I'm so discriptive....)
1. The tower.
2. Church of the Sacred Heart (beautiful!)
3. The three amici in the Louvre.


evil dicator allie said...

Pssh, I just added a comment and it didn't show up! How dare it not follow my expectations! It's a good thing I DIDN'T copy it before posting. Gosh...*mutters* Okay, so it was like a short paragraph and I can probably reproduce it. But I'm still going to complain like it was five hundred pages long. :o)

So, sounds like a very interesting trip. Not. :oP Glad I wasn't there! ;o) Oh, and you've been accepted into the Organization for Future Dictators of the World. We accept checks and major credit cards for the monthly contributions. :oD And I'm going to laugh if the other comment shows up after I've posted this one.

Becky Daniel said...

i accept this award as part of the Organization for Future Dictators with love and appreciate. i would like to thank my parents, my siblings, my great-uncle fred, my toothbrush and my imaginary friend, Bub.....
...thank you.