Thursday, December 27, 2007

Invisible Children update: hope and reality

It's crazy when you get to report on something positive...if it's not bloody, it doesn't seem to make the news. But today it does. At least here. A quick update on the Invisible Children situation:

You may remember two blogs entries--one this year and one from last year trying to raise awareness of the African children being abducted and forced into terrorist militias.

The children traveled hours into the city to spend the night on the streets where their chances of being abducted were much less, while chances for other dangers (rape by citizens, children against children violence and uninformed, unsafe sex) were increased.

Since the beginning of the film Invisible Children in 2003 when three college guys discovered the two decade year-old war, the grassroots mobilization has made an impact. Today, thank God, most commuting to the cities has stopped. For a quick update read this press release or watch the short clip. could watch it. Right now. Less than one hour.
Watch the first 2 minutes 3 seconds.
I dare you.
It's not what you expect.
(Don't worry, you won't be suicidal afterward).


kris said...

that is great. i'm so glad change has happened!

Becky Daniel said...

i'm really excited too. it gets really discouraging sometimes, but to think, "wow, banding together actually had some sort of difference. that's amazing!" quite encouraging.

evil dicator allie said...

Awesome! So glad to hear that there's progress. I always mean to keep up on these things and never do. So great to have a friend that does! ;o) But seriously, I've been thinking about the Invisible Children a lot and praying for the situation, so I'm happy to know that things are happening. Let's hope they continue to happen.

Becky Daniel said...

amen, allie!