Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Useful phrases every American tourist should know

Three phrases every American should know, according to "Don" Luca:

-"Non ho capito." [nohn oh ca-pee-toh]= "I didn't understand."
-"Mi dispiace." [mee-dee-spee-auch-ay]= "I'm sorry."
-"Aiuto!" [ah-yoo-toh]="Help!"

Becky's top three useful phrases:

-"Grazie." [grah-tzee-ay]= "Thanks."
-"Bo." [b-oh]= "I don't know."
-"Bello/a." [bell-oh]="Beautiful."

1 comment:

evil dicator allie said...

I remember this conversation! Si, queste parole sono molto importanti...and that was a completely butchered sentence in Italian. That is one major thing I've learned how to do. Butcher a language. :oD