Sunday, May 06, 2012

Falling Skies—second season this June

I loved watching the first season of Falling Skies last summer. Yes, it's slightly overly intense drama, but it's an end of the world senario with survival realities and delightful explosions. This is Steven Spielberg's Hollywood special effects intertwined with a TV season's gritty and intriguing character development. Totally worth trying out.

...I'll admit to still slightly holding my breath though. I loved watching Lost until I realized the writers were most likely rolling dice with random words on them for plot development. I'm hesitantly optimistic that Falling Skies will have a story arch, and with any hope, take a cue from Asian dramas and actually have an ending. Writers, please listen: we want a good ending. Not a drawn out, stupid, you-killed-all-my-favorite-characters-and/or-changed-the-genre-so-eventually-got-cancelled ending. There's no shame in creating a good story and ending the show strong fourth season. As all other Hollywood writers have shown, you can still cash in by creating a prequel.

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