Thursday, February 09, 2006

"liberating" every country by force

k, so the truth is i'm desperate to get a better response of a post out. it's boring without comments. so really i should consider researching a story, like how Iran is about to be the next Iraq "liberation" campaign. granted, the Iran president is not as politically correct or intelligent as he should be, saying that the Holocaust never happened and if it did, it didn't matter cause it was all a British conspiracy to put the Jews in the middle of Arab nations. I guess the last part is pretty true, but not necessarily for destructive reasons. No countries would take the large of amount of Jews that needed to be exported from Western Europe. Which country would take homeless, poor immigrants who probably didn't know the language? So they sent them to their "Promised Land," which has caused endless fighting and bloodshed since.

I'm just afraid with all Iran's threatening and now yelling of nuclear research being done, that the U.S. doesn't need to make up excuses to invade. The Iran president is opening the door and asking Bush to make himself at a masochistic sort of way.


kris said...

if you'r looking for a "hot topic" how bout Libby's implication that vice president cheney authorised the leaking of classified information to the press?

I know dads up in arms about "treason" over it...what do you think?

Odysseus Snelling said...

In reality the issue never was weapons in Iraq, we know that and Bush knows that, North Korea proved that. I don't think Iran waving it's arms (just like Nth Korea was when Bush was pushing an invasion of Iraq) is going to change much. Besides which most of the militaries involved with Iraq are already fairly committed and probably don't want to commit too many more troops.
Of course the threat of another war is always terrifying, especially when the country you live in is involved. It's doubly so when it means that your country is involved in multiple wars at one time, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Iran will be left to its own devices, at least for a while...

Becky Daniel said...

taylor, i hope you're right. i'm really worried that bush is just on a crusade to take over the world...or at least create a strong foothold in the middle-east, but i think that's delussional at this point. any american over there is simply an incitation on sight.

as for libby, what he did was wrong. period. but there's speculation that the case will go to mistrial before it ever goes to court. the key to the case is getting journalists to reveal sources--and journalists must identify them if on the stand in a criminal investigation. so the judge must either limit the prosecution's questions (causing the appeals court to over-rule the judge) or let all questions become answered. what will happen when key media organizations must name their governmnet inside sources? .... all journalists' information dries up (or gets fired), and confidential sources becomes shaky every time info. could lead to a trial. a new world of journalism is born....which is why media will probably work toward a mistrial, rather than revealing its sources.

Anonymous said...

Check this out....It's my latest rampage...and it IS old news...

This should make you feel real good as an american....[sarcastic remark for those who don't know me]